Avalanche report for Saturday 28 December 2024.

Gliding avalanches are possible. The more recent wind slabs are easy to recognise can only be released in isolated cases.

all day it applies moderate avalanche danger, so danger level two.

all day, we have a gliding snow problem. Especially in the aspects East to South to West.

On steep grassy slopes individual gliding avalanches are possible, even medium-sized ones. Caution is to be exercised in areas with glide cracks. The more recent wind slabs can be released in isolated cases on very steep shady slopes. The avalanche prone locations are to be found in particular adjacent to ridgelines at elevated altitudes. Avalanches can reach medium size in isolated cases.

And now the snowpack:

The various wind slabs have bonded quite well with each other and the old snowpack. Isolated avalanche prone weak layers exist in the bottom section of the old snowpack above approximately 2200 m.

We have the following danger patterns: dp.2: gliding snow, dp.6: cold, loose snow and wind.

The tendency for Sunday 29 December 2024 indicates a decreasing avalanche danger.

Have a nice day and don't forget to be careful!