
Thursday 04 04 2019

Published 03 04 2019, 17:40

IT-32-BZ-07, AT-07-20, AT-07-21, IT-32-BZ-03, IT-32-BZ-04, IT-32-BZ-15, IT-32-BZ-05

Danger level
Danger Level 3 - Considerable above the treeline
Danger Level 2 - Moderate above the treeline
Avalanche Problem
Wet snow above the treeline, N-NE-E-SE-S-SW-W-NW
Wind-drifted snow above the treeline, N-NE-E-W-NW

Danger level
Danger Level 4 - High above the treeline
Danger Level 3 - Considerable above the treeline
Avalanche Problem
Wind-drifted snow above the treeline, N-NE-E-SE-S-SW-W-NW
Wet snow above the treeline, N-NE-E-SE-S-SW-W-NW

Further increase in avalanche danger as the precipitation becomes more intense.

As a consequence of fresh snow and a strong to storm force southerly wind, easily released wind slabs will form in all aspects, in particular above the tree line. The wind slabs are in many cases thick. As the snowfall becomes more intense the prevalence and size of the avalanche prone locations will increase. At high altitudes and in high Alpine regions avalanche prone locations are more prevalent. Medium-sized and, in isolated cases, large natural avalanches are to be expected in particular on wind-loaded slopes. The peak of avalanche activity will be reached during the course of the night probably.
As a consequence of the rain, the likelihood of wet and gliding avalanches being released will increase significantly in all aspects below the tree line. Exposed parts of transportation routes are endangered in isolated cases.


dp 6: cold, loose snow and wind
dp 3: rain

50 to 70 cm of snow. will fall above approximately 1800 m. Over a wide area strong southerly wind. The fresh wind slabs are lying on soft layers in particular on steep shady slopes. The old snowpack will be stable over a wide area. At low altitude hardly any snow is lying.


The avalanche danger will persist. Natural avalanches are still to be expected. Backcountry touring and other off-piste activities call for very extensive experience and great restraint.

IT-32-TN-12, IT-32-TN-15, IT-32-TN-03, IT-32-TN-17, IT-32-TN-18, IT-32-BZ-16

Danger level
Danger Level 2 - Moderate above 1600m
Danger Level 1 - Low above 1600m
Avalanche Problem
Persistent weak layer above 2000m, N-NE-NW

Danger level
Danger Level 3 - Considerable above 1600m
Danger Level 2 - Moderate above 1600m
Avalanche Problem
New snow above 1600m, N-NE-E-SE-S-SW-W-NW
Wind-drifted snow above the treeline, N-NE-E-SW-W-NW

The fresh snow represents the main danger. As the snowfall becomes more intense the prevalence and size of the avalanche prone locations will increase as the day progresses.

In the Etschtal, in the Cembra Valley and in neighbouring regions thus far only a little snow is lying on north and northeast facing slopes. In steep terrain there is a danger of falling on the hard snow surface. 30 to 60 cm of snow, and even more in some localities, will fall from early morning above approximately 1500 m. As a consequence of the fresh snow more frequent natural avalanches are possible towards the evening, even large ones in isolated cases. In addition the easily released wind slabs must be taken into account.


The surface of the snowpack will only just freeze and will already be soft in the early morning. Much of the fresh and wind-drifted snow will become increasingly prone to triggering in all aspects. At low altitude thus far only a little snow is lying.


Further increase in avalanche danger as the precipitation becomes more intense. As the day progresses over a wide area danger level 4 (high) will be reached.

IT-32-BZ-20, IT-32-BZ-01, IT-32-BZ-02, AT-07-10, AT-07-11, AT-07-12, AT-07-13, IT-32-BZ-06, AT-07-14, IT-32-BZ-08, IT-32-BZ-09, AT-07-19, IT-32-BZ-10, IT-32-BZ-11, IT-32-BZ-12, IT-32-BZ-13, IT-32-BZ-14, AT-07-22, AT-07-23, AT-07-24, IT-32-BZ-17, AT-07-25, IT-32-BZ-18, AT-07-26, IT-32-BZ-19, AT-07-27, AT-07-28, AT-07-29

Danger level
Danger Level 2 - Moderate
Avalanche Problem
Wet snow above 2200m, N-NE-E-SE-S-SW-W-NW
Wind-drifted snow above 2200m, N-NE-NW

Danger level
Danger Level 3 - Considerable
Avalanche Problem
Wind-drifted snow above the treeline, N-NE-E-SE-S-SW-W-NW
Wet snow above the treeline, N-NE-E-SE-S-SW-W-NW

Significant increase in avalanche danger towards the evening.

Early and late morning: Small to medium-sized wet loose snow avalanches are possible below approximately 2200 m. At elevated altitudes sometimes avalanche prone wind slabs will form. These avalanche prone locations are to be found in particular on very steep shady slopes above approximately 2200 m. At high altitudes and in high Alpine regions the likelihood of avalanches being released is greater. The number and size of avalanche prone locations will increase as the day progresses.
During the day: As a consequence of the rain, the likelihood of gliding avalanches and wet snow slides being released will increase in particular at intermediate altitudes. In addition the danger of dry slab avalanches will increase towards the evening. Especially on very steep shady slopes more frequent medium-sized and, in isolated cases, large natural dry avalanches are possible as the snowfall becomes more intense. The peak of avalanche activity will be reached during the first half of the night probably. In particular in regions neighbouring those that are subject to danger level 4 (high) avalanche prone locations are more prevalent and the danger is greater.
In addition a latent danger of gliding avalanches exists. Backcountry touring and other off-piste activities call for experience in the assessment of avalanche danger.


dp 6: cold, loose snow and wind
dp 3: rain

30 to 50 cm of snow, and even more in some localities, will fall above approximately 1800 m. The southerly wind will transport the fresh snow significantly. The fresh wind slabs are lying on soft layers in particular on northwest to north to northeast facing aspects above approximately 2200 m. The old snowpack will be stable over a wide area. At low altitude hardly any snow is lying.


A few natural avalanches are to be expected. Backcountry touring and other off-piste activities call for very extensive experience and great restraint.