Danger level
Danger Level 2 - Moderate above the treeline
Danger Level 1 - Low above the treeline
Avalanche Problem
Wet snow above the treeline, N-NE-E-W-NW
Wet small and medium sized avalanches.
As a consequence of the rain, the likelihood of wet small and medium sized avalanches being released will increase in particular on very steep shady slopes at intermediate and high altitudes.
The old snowpack will be wet all the way through at intermediate and high altitudes. In the Etschtal no snow is lying on south facing slopes.
The backcountry touring conditions remain spring-like.
IT-32-BZ-20, IT-32-BZ-10, IT-32-BZ-11, IT-32-BZ-12, IT-32-BZ-01, IT-32-BZ-13, IT-32-BZ-02, IT-32-BZ-14, IT-32-BZ-03, IT-32-BZ-04, IT-32-BZ-15, IT-32-BZ-05, IT-32-BZ-17, IT-32-BZ-06, IT-32-BZ-18, IT-32-BZ-07, IT-32-BZ-19, IT-32-BZ-08, IT-32-BZ-09
Danger level
Danger Level 2 - Moderate
Avalanche Problem
Wet snow above 2400m, N-NE-E-SE-S-SW-W-NW
New snow above 2400m, N-NE-E-W-NW
Medium-sized and, in isolated cases, large moist and wet avalanches are possible until the temperature drops.
On Wednesday as the snowfall level rises there will be a gradual increase in the danger of moist and wet avalanches. Below approximately 2400 m small and medium-sized moist and wet avalanches are possible. Additionally wet avalanches can also be triggered in near-ground layers and reach quite a large size. As a consequence of fresh snow and strong wind small and medium-sized dry slab avalanches are possible above approximately 2400 m. The fresh snow can be released by a single winter sport participant especially on west to north to east facing aspects at high altitudes and in high Alpine regions. In particular in the regions exposed to heavier precipitation the prevalence and size of the avalanche prone locations will increase as the day progresses. They are barely recognisable because of the poor visibility.
The surface of the snowpack cooled hardly at all during the overcast night and will already be soft in the early morning. Up to 2000 m rain has fallen today. In particular in the Ortler Range, in the Gurgler Range 10 cm of snow, and even more in some localities, fell above approximately 2000 m. In some regions up to 10 cm of snow. will fall above approximately 2400 m. As a consequence of fresh snow and a sometimes strong southerly wind, wind slabs will form in particular adjacent to ridgelines as well as at high altitudes and in high Alpine regions.
Backcountry touring calls for caution.