Danger level
Danger Level 4 - High
Avalanche Problem
Gliding snow above 2400m, N-NE-E-SE-S-SW-W-NW
Wind-drifted snow above the treeline, N-NE-E-SE-S-SW-W-NW

Fresh snow represents the main danger. Fresh wind slabs are to be evaluated with care and prudence, in particular above approximately 2000 m.
Numerous natural avalanches have been released as a consequence of fresh snow and strong wind.
On steep grassy slopes more gliding avalanches are possible, even quite large ones, in the regions exposed to heavier precipitation especially.
In addition the wind slabs of the last few days above approximately 2000 m are prone to triggering. Avalanches can be released by small loads and reach large size in isolated cases. The prevalence of avalanche prone locations and likelihood of triggering will increase with altitude.
Snow sport activities outside marked and open pistes call for extensive experience in the assessment of avalanche danger.
dp 2: gliding snow
dp 6: cold, loose snow and wind
In particular in the Sole, Pejo and Rabbi 80 to 120 cm of snow, and even more in some localities, has fallen in the last few days. The wind was moderate to strong adjacent to ridgelines. In some places wind slabs are lying on soft layers, especially at elevated altitudes. The fresh wind slabs are in many cases thick and can be released easily. The snowpack will be moist at low and intermediate altitudes.
The danger of natural avalanches will decrease during the day.
Prealps, Cembra Valley, Bondone and Stivo, Vallarsa, Western Nonsberg Alps, Folgaria - Laverone, Ledro Valley, Paganella, Marzola - Valsugana, Pine' - Mocheni Valley

Danger level
Danger Level 3 - Considerable
Avalanche Problem
Wet snow above the treeline, N-NE-E-SE-S-SW-W-NW
Gliding snow above 2200m

An unfavourable avalanche situation will still be encountered. More medium-sized and, in isolated cases, large moist loose snow avalanches are possible above approximately 2000 m.
The avalanches can over a wide area be released by small loads or triggered naturally. In particular on steep grassy slopes more medium-sized and, in isolated cases, large gliding avalanches are to be expected. The prevalence of avalanche prone locations and likelihood of triggering will increase with altitude.
dp 3: rain
dp 2: gliding snow
40 to 80 cm of snow, and even more in some localities, has fallen in the last few days, especially in the northeast.
The snowpack will be generally prone to triggering. Over a wide area fresh snow and wind slabs are lying on soft layers, especially above the tree line. Dry avalanches can release deeper layers of the snowpack reach large size.
The snowpack remains moist at low and intermediate altitudes.
Considerable, level 3. Temporary decrease in danger of moist avalanches as the temperature drops.