A generally favourable avalanche situation will prevail.
The snowpack will be generally well bonded. As a consequence of a sometimes strong wind from northerly directions, mostly small wind slabs will form at elevated altitudes. The fresh wind slabs are to be evaluated with care and prudence in steep terrain. In very isolated cases avalanches can be triggered in the faceted old snow and reach medium size, in particular on very steep shady slopes, and on wind-loaded slopes. Apart from the danger of being buried, restraint should be exercised as well in view of the danger of avalanches sweeping people along and giving rise to falls.
As a consequence of mild temperatures and solar radiation the snowpack settled. Field observations and stability tests have confirmed this situation. Fresh and older wind slabs can be released in isolated cases, but mostly only by large additional loads, in particular on very steep shady slopes and at elevated altitudes. In very isolated cases weak layers exist in the centre of the snowpack, in particular on very steep shady slopes. At elevated altitudes snow depths vary greatly, depending on the infuence of the wind. On sunny slopes below approximately 2200 m only a little snow is lying.
A generally favourable avalanche situation will prevail.