
Monday 12.02.2024

Published 11 02 2024, 17:00

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Gliding snow

Wind slabs require caution.

As a consequence of new snow and a strong wind from southerly directions, avalanche prone wind slabs formed in the last few days in particular at elevated altitudes. The wind slabs are covered with new snow in some cases and therefore difficult to recognise. They can be released by a single winter sport participant in particular on southwest to north to east facing aspects. Avalanche prone locations are to be found in particular adjacent to ridgelines and in gullies and bowls. At elevated altitudes and in the regions exposed to heavier precipitation such avalanche prone locations are more widespread and exist in all aspects. In some cases avalanches are medium-sized.

Individual gliding avalanches are possible, even medium-sized ones. Areas with glide cracks are to be avoided. This applies in particular on steep grassy slopes below approximately 2600 m.

As a consequence of solar radiation individual loose snow avalanches are to be expected, but they will be mostly small.


dp.6: cold, loose snow and wind
dp.2: gliding snow

10 to 40 cm of snow, and even more in some localities, has fallen since Friday above approximately 1500 m. As a consequence of new snow and wind the wind slabs have increased in size moderately in the last few days. They are lying on soft layers in particular on shady slopes above the tree line.

Low and intermediate altitudes: The snowpack will be quite moist.


Wind slabs require caution. The weather conditions will facilitate a stabilisation of the snow drift accumulations. A latent danger of gliding avalanches exists. As a consequence of solar radiation individual loose snow avalanches are to be expected.

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Gliding snow

Wind slabs require caution. A latent danger of gliding avalanches exists.

The fresh and somewhat older wind slabs are small but in some cases prone to triggering. Somewhat older wind slabs are covered with new snow in some cases and therefore difficult to recognise. Avalanche prone locations are to be found on very steep northwest, north and east facing slopes above approximately 2000 m. Above approximately 2400 m such avalanche prone locations are a little more prevalent and the danger is level 2 (moderate). Even a small avalanche can sweep winter sport participants along and give rise to falls.

On steep grassy slopes and below approximately 2600 m individual gliding avalanches are possible, in particular medium-sized ones. This applies especially in the regions with a lot of snow. Areas with glide cracks are to be avoided.

On extremely steep sunny slopes small loose snow avalanches are to be expected. In the event of solar radiation this applies.


dp.6: cold, loose snow and wind
dp.2: gliding snow

As a consequence of a strong southerly wind, mostly small wind slabs formed by Saturday. 5 to 15 cm of snow fell on Sunday.

Monday: The wind will be moderate. Some snow will fall from the afternoon in the north.

Fresh and somewhat older wind slabs are lying on soft layers on northwest to north to east facing aspects. No distinct weak layers exist in the bottom section of the snowpack. The solar radiation will give rise as the day progresses to slight moistening of the snowpack on sunny slopes.
Intermediate altitudes: The snowpack will be moist. At low altitude only a little snow is now lying.


The weather conditions will facilitate a stabilisation of the snow drift accumulations. Individual avalanche prone locations are to be found on very steep shady slopes at elevated altitudes. As a consequence of solar radiation loose snow avalanches are possible, but they will be mostly small.

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Gliding snow

Wind slabs require caution. A latent danger of gliding avalanches exists.

The wind slabs of the last few days can be released by a single winter sport participant in some cases on west to north to east facing aspects above approximately 2200 m. Somewhat older wind slabs are covered with new snow in some cases and therefore difficult to recognise. Avalanche prone locations are to be found especially adjacent to ridgelines and in gullies and bowls. At elevated altitudes and in the regions exposed to heavier precipitation such avalanche prone locations are a little more prevalent. Avalanches can reach medium size in the regions exposed to heavier precipitation.

On steep grassy slopes and below approximately 2600 m individual gliding avalanches are possible, even medium-sized ones. This applies in particular in the regions with a lot of snow. Areas with glide cracks are to be avoided.

On extreme sunny slopes loose snow avalanches are to be expected, but they will be mostly small, in the event of solar radiation in particular.


dp.6: cold, loose snow and wind
dp.2: gliding snow

In some regions 10 to 30 cm of snow, and even more in some localities, has fallen since Friday. The sometimes strong wind has transported the new snow.
Monday: The wind will be moderate. Some snow will fall from the afternoon in the north.

The wind slabs are lying on soft layers in particular on west to north to east facing aspects. No distinct weak layers exist in the bottom section of the snowpack. The solar radiation will give rise to slight moistening of the snowpack on sunny slopes.

Intermediate altitudes: The snowpack will be moist. At low altitude only a little snow is now lying.


The weather conditions will bring about a gradual stabilisation of the snow drift accumulations. A latent danger of gliding avalanches exists. Individual loose snow avalanches are possible.