Danger level
2400m |
Fresh wind slabs require caution.
The fresh snow of Monday as well as the wind slabs formed during the snowfall represent the main danger. The fresh wind slabs can be released by a single winter sport participant in particular on steep shady slopes above approximately 2400 m. Avalanche prone locations are to be found in particular in gullies and bowls, and behind abrupt changes in the terrain. Avalanches are medium-sized.
In very isolated cases dry avalanches can also be released in the old snowpack. This applies in particular on the Main Alpine Ridge and to the south. Avalanche prone locations are to be found in particular in little used terrain above approximately 2400 m, especially on very steep shady slopes.
On very steep grassy slopes only isolated gliding avalanches are possible below approximately 2400 m.
dp.6: cold, loose snow and wind
dp.2: gliding snow
In particular in the north up to 10 cm of snow, and even more in some localities, fell yesterday. The new snow and wind slabs are lying on a crust in all aspects below approximately 2200 m. Especially shady slopes above approximately 2400 m: The new snow and wind slabs are lying on soft layers.
The old snowpack remains subject to considerable local variations at high altitude. Within the snowpack, there are multiple melt-freeze crusts sandwiches with faceted layers in between, in particular on steep sunny slopes in all altitude zones, as well as on shady slopes below approximately 2600 m.
At low and intermediate altitudes only a little snow is lying.
The fresh wind slabs will settle gradually.