
Monday 26.02.2024

Published 25 02 2024, 17:00

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
New snow
Wind slab
Gliding snow

Wind slabs and weakly bonded old snow require caution.

Single winter sport participants can release avalanches very easily, including medium-sized ones. The avalanche prone locations are to be found in particular on very steep shady slopes above approximately 2100 m. Caution is to be exercised in particular adjacent to ridgelines and in gullies and bowls. The avalanche prone locations are covered with new snow and are barely recognisable, even to the trained eye. Avalanches can in isolated cases be triggered in the old snowpack and reach quite a large size.
On steep grassy slopes medium-sized gliding avalanches are possible.
Gradual increase in avalanche danger as a consequence of the precipitation. Medium-sized and, in isolated cases, large loose snow avalanches are possible as the day progresses.
Backcountry touring and other off-piste activities call for great caution and restraint.


dp.6: cold, loose snow and wind

Up to 60 cm of snow, and even more in some localities, has fallen since Friday above approximately 1400 m. The strong wind has transported some snow. The new snow and wind slabs are poorly bonded with the old snowpack. The new snow and wind slabs of the last few days are lying on the unfavourable surface of an old snowpack above approximately 2400 m.
Over a wide area 30 cm of snow, and even more in some localities, will fall on Monday above approximately 900 m. The wind will be moderate to strong adjacent to ridgelines.


The weather conditions will prevent a rapid stabilisation of the snowpack.
Above approximately 700 m snow will fall on Tuesday over a wide area. Gradual increase in avalanche danger as a consequence of the precipitation. More frequent loose snow avalanches are to be expected, but they can be quite large, in the regions exposed to a lot of new snow especially on very steep slopes.